Sankara Hospitals India Map_16-06-2022

Sankara Eye Foundation operates ten super specialty eye care hospitals in India providing a full range of eye care services. A typical Sankara Eye Hospital is a 225-bed state-of-the art facility with 200 beds for patients receiving free service and 25 beds for paid patients. Equipped with most modern facilities, highly skilled & knowledgeable full-time dedicated specialists and highly motivated staff, the Sankara Eye Foundation is committed to clinical excellence, personalized patient care and best eye care services at all times to all our patients.

Self-sustainability Model

One of the unique features of the Sankara Eye Hospitals is the self-sustainable 80:20 model; where 20% of the paid surgeries support 80% of the free surgeries. This model ensures that hospitals fund themselves once the self-sufficiency is reached. Starting with only one hospital performing about 8,000 free eye surgeries in 1998, today, SEF has grown to ten hospitals performing around 200,000 free eye surgeries per year.

Today, SEF is the largest free eye care provider in the world!

The next hospitals are coming up in Mumbai, Hyderabad and Mastichak in Bihar with one of our Partner Hospitals.

VISION 2030 - A Million Free Eye Surgeries Per Year

Having developed a network of Sankara Eye Hospitals throughout India over the last two decades, SEF, USA, has decided to further build its already impressive free cataract surgery capacity by partnering with other existing service providers. The primary objective of our Vision 2030 program is an aggressive goal of one million free surgeries by 2030, using this partnership model. Currently, we have eight partner hospitals aiding us to reach our Vision 2030 goal.