Margaret Mead, the famous American cultural anthropologist once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” SEF volunteers live by this quote and consistently and passionately strive to achieve their goals. The NJ Chapter was born with a few enthusiastic volunteers and has now grown into a team of 25+ active leaders. They lead in creating on-going awareness and generating funds in New Jersey and New York Tri-state area, for SEF India by actively collaborating with SEF USA head quarters in San Jose, CA. Summer in the Tristate area is when you will see the volunteers at fairs, expos, and parades enthusiastically educating locals on the groundbreaking endeavors of SEF India as the largest provider of free eye care in the country.

In addition to information booths, the chapter is best known to organize diverse fundraisers varying in magnitude including, but not limited to, small and large live cultural concerts, 5K Walks, Donor appreciation evenings, and active fundraising Gala. The chapter is 100% volunteer driven; whose energy and commitment towards SEF is unparalleled and as steadfast as the organization itself determination to eradicate curable blindness from India (home to >1/4th of world's population suffering from curable blindness). We are grateful for your support and hope to continue to engage with you in the future. Join the enthusiastic team to be change leaders and become part of a social movement empowering lives through the gift of vision.

For information on how to volunteer, write to: sef-nj@