A New lease of Life at 72.

Ramaswamy is 72 years old. He suffered immensely due to cataract in both his eyes, couldn’t see beyond a few feet and found great difficulty in doing his basic chores. He also loved to ride the cycle, which was restricted now. He had given up any hope of getting his vision back at this age for lack of money and distance from the hospital. Through local announcements he got to know of the free eye camp conducted by Sankara Eye Hospital. At the camp, he was diagnosed with cataract and recommended for a surgery. He was taken to the hospital via Sankara bus and doctors performed the surgery.His life has improved after the surgery. He is back to doing what he loves most and is not dependent on anyone. He is grateful to the doctors at Sankara for giving him a new lease of life. Curable blindness is taken on a war footing at Sankara and people like Ramaswamy have started life afresh.